".....the North American public remains ignorant about Native American religions. And this, despite the fact that hundreds of books and articles have been published by anthropologists, religionists and others about native beliefs......Little of this scholarly literature has found its way into popular books about Native American religion..." 1Yet Natives culture and religion have great value. They have made many contributions to North American society:
An awareness of concern for the environment. | |
Food staples such as corn, beans, squash, potatoes and sweet potatoes. | |
The design of the kayak, toboggan and snowshoe. | |
The original oral contraceptive. | |
Cultivation of cotton. | |
Over 200 drugs, derived from native remedies. |
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that the population of American Indians and Alaska Natives, including those of more than one race, was 4.5 million as of 2005-JUL-01. 2 According to the most recent Canadian census, in 1991, there were 1,002,945 Canadians with North American Indian, Métis and/or Inuit ancestry. 10,840 Canadians are recorded as following an aboriginal spiritual path; this value is believed to be greatly under-reported.
From where did Native Americans originate?
There are at least four conflicting beliefs about the origin of Native Americans:
Recent archaeological discoveries have convinced some scientists that people may have arrived far earlier than about 9200 BCE "in many waves of migration and by a number of routes." The Monte Verde site in Chile has shown that human habitation existed there 12,800 years ago, more than a century before the first evidence of habitation in North America and before a Siberian land bridge would have opened up. The migrants may have navigated the open seas. Alternately, they may taken smaller craft and hugged the coastline down what is now Alaska, British Columbia, and the western coast of the continental U.S. 3,4
Mormon belief: During the early 19th
century, two widespread beliefs circulated in North America:
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Native beliefs: Many native tribes contest these theories:
Many Natives find the suggestion that their ancestors migrated to North America only a few tens of thousands of years ago to be quite offensive. 6
References used:
The following information sources were used to prepare and update the above essay. The hyperlinks are not necessarily still active today.- Arlene Hirschfelder and Paulette Molin, "Native American Religions," Facts on File, (1992). Read reviews or order this book safely from Amazon.com.
- "American Indians By the Numbers," InfoPlease, at: http://www.infoplease.com/
- J.N. Wilford, "New answers to an old question: Who got here first?" New York Times, 1999-NOV-9
- T.D. Dillehay, "Monte Verde: A late Pleistocene settlement in Chile: The archeological context and interpretation," Smithsonian Institution Press, (1997). Read reviews or order this book This is not an inexpensive book!
- Vine Deloria Jr., "Low Bridge, Everybody Cross," a chapter in the book: "Red Earth, White Lies,"
- Vine Deloria, "Red Earth, White Lies: Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact," Fulcrum Pub (1997). You can read reviews and/or order this book
- Unknown author. Copied from the First People web site at: http://www.firstpeople.us/