Everything starts from a place and has an origin, even the Holy Bible, traditional teachings among other doctrines or religions have a place they start from.
The Holy Bible in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 make known to us that the world originated from a supreme being, God (word) who called things into being. Right from the creation of heaven and earth, separation of night and day to the creation of man from the dust of the earth.
In the traditional settings, the most powerful is Olorun, who was said to have permitted Obatala climb down from heaven with a chain while having with him a snail shell filled with sand, a hen, a black cat and a palm nut. Orunmila (god of prophesy) called Obatala and told him to dump the sand onto the Earth and drop the hen. The hen scratches at the sand, spreading it around and forming the first solid land on Earth, which is believed to be the land we now have.
The world now, taking into consideration the creation of the world in the Holy Bible and the formation of the earth in the traditional myth still resembles what it was said to possess since then (seas, land, light, darkness, e.t.c).
Since we humans also have our origin, as no man on earth can say he has non, do we carry the semblance of our origin?, the Holy Bible says man is created by God in His image, can the semblance of Gid be fond in believers?, if you are one who has a different origin from the ones' mentioned, do you carry the image of your origin?
Yes, through our parents' we came into this world, one thing or the other, either its good or bad we must have seen from our parents can those things be fond in us, we who come from a Christian home and call ourselves Christian, do we carry the image of whom we claim to originate from, who according to the Holy Bible does not differentiate those who do good and evil but let His rain fall and sun shine on all men.